PMS-UK offers organisations temporary or ad-hoc operational support throughout every phase of the project cycle, with tailor-made relief and recovery programmes that can be one-off or extended over a longer-term. This approach resolves an organisation's need to establish infrastructure in a country with limited ground-level access.

Our team at PMS-UK is experienced in overcoming the complexity of politically unstable and pressure-filled humanitarian settings and adeptly delivers immediate community resilience, as well as long-term sustainability and empowerment. Our full range of services includes supporting or managing activities that range from needs assessments, project design and management, monitoring and evaluation, to logistical assistance and procurement support.

Our team conducts needs and resource assessments, identifies project partners and suitable projects, proposes and designs project strategies, develops project proposals, and provides full logistical support, this reduces costs and promotes continuous project growth and development. Our efforts in procurement ensure that our clients have access to everything from food, shelter items, pharmaceuticals, non-food items and more.


Our broad range of services includes:

We deliver these services with a highly fexible and client-centered approach, adapting our operations to suit the specifc needs and requirements of each project. Our team’s expertise and in-depth understanding of the complexities inherent in the development sector make us the ideal partner for organisations navigating these challenges.


PMS-UK is a leading expert in the humanitarian supply chain, with specialised knowledge in sourcing essential supplies such as pharmaceuticals, shelter items, non-food products, and community supplies like emergency schools. We're committed to delivering these supplies quickly and effciently anywhere in the world, enabling our clients to focus on their core objectives without worrying about logistical challenges.

f you're seeking operational support for a project or have any questions about our capabilities, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're happy to discuss how our team can help you achieve your goals.





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